名誉教授(Professor Emeritus) 理学博士 (Ds)
池 田 攻 (IKEDA, Ko) TOP
Crystal Science and
Engineering Laboratory
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
tel +81
(0)836-85-9630 fax +81 (0)836-85-9601
mobile 080-3883-7922
有益なリンク先 (Useful links):
研究情報 (Reseach ) http://read.jst.go.jp/common/outline.html
機能材料工学科 (Department) http://www.amse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/
山口大学工学部 (Faculty) http://www.eng.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/
山口大学 (University) http://www.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/
主な担当講義 (Principal lectures in class)
学部 (Under graduates)
電子セラミックス(Ceramics for electronics)
主な社会活動 (Principal social activities)
2000-現在 日本セラミックス協会正会員(Fellow
of Ceramic Society of Japan)
日本セラミックス協会行事企画委員(Committee member of event & planning, CSJ)
2003-2004 山口県中核技術選考委員 (Grants
selection committee member of prefecture)
2000-2001インド国聖ヴェンカテスワラ大学博士論文外国人審査員(Judge of PhD thesis of SRI-Venkateswara University, India)
1992-1997 島根県技術振興協会アドバイザー (Adviser of Shimane Technology Development Organization)
1988-2006 日本セラミックス協会九州支部常議員 (Committee member of JCS Kyushu Branch)
最近の研究 (Recent research topics)
・ ジオポリマ−法による珪酸塩ナノ結晶の合成
(Synthesis of nano-sized silicate crystals
by the geopolymer technique)
(Synthesis of ettringite and crystal
structure analysis)
(Development of geoporimeric materials from
waste powders as filler)
・ 二酸化炭素還元触媒の開発
(Development of catalyzer for CO2 reduction)
最近の研究プロジェクト (Recent research projects)
・ 材料化学におけるジオポリマ−技術の新展開(JST西日国際共同研究, 2003-2005)
(Novel development of geopolymer binder technique in
materials research-JST international program between
・ ジオポリマ-バインダ-による加圧流動床灰の固化と材料化(RSP山口産業技術振興財団2002-2003)
(Solidification and materialization of PFBC-ash by geopolymeric binder,
RSP, 2002-2003)
・ ジオポリマ−研究会(産学R&D,中国技術振興センタ−,2001-2003)
(Geopolymer workshop, R&D, 2001-2003)
著書 (Books)
・ 固体化学入門,ウエスト著,分担翻訳,講談社,pp.322,1996.
(West, A. R., Basic solid state chemistry, John Wiley, pp.415, 1994.)
・ CEMENT & CONCRETE エンサイクロペディア,分担執筆,セメント協会,pp.279,1996.
・ 鉱物の科学,分担執筆,東海大学出版会,pp.200,1995.
総説論文 (Review papers)
・Ikeda, K., Mikuni, A.: Recent development of geopolymers from viewpoint
of carbon dioxide emission and waste management problems, Trans. MRS-J,
31, 319-324, 2006.
・Ikeda, K., Dang, F., Mikuni, A.: Recent development of geopolymer technique,
Earth Science Frontires, China, 12, 206-213, 2005.
・池田 攻 : ジオポリマ−バインダ−による鉱物質粉体の常温固化と材料化,資源と素材,114, 497-500, 1998.
・池田 攻 : 新しいセメント製造システム,セメント・コンクリ−ト,577, 38-42, 1995.
・池田 攻,田代忠一,富阪武士 : 粘土系固体産業廃棄物の先進的利用,鉱物学雑誌,20, 63-70, 1991.
・池田 攻・富坂武士 : 火力発電に伴う固体廃棄物とその利用,ファインセラミックス,10, 117-125, 1989.
・田代忠一・池田 攻 : ポゾラン,セメント・コンクリ−ト,509, 36-37, 1989.
・池田 攻 : 鉱物の結晶場スペクトル,鉱物学雑誌,16, 385-401, 1984.
国際会議議事録 (Proceedings)
・ Ikeda, K., Terai, T., Vallepu, R., Mikuni, A.: Preparation of geopolymer
monoliths in various proportions of sodium disilicate and caustic soda,
Proc. Int. Symp. Cem. Concr., Xi'an, in press.
・ Rattanasak, U., Vallepu, R., Mikuni, A., Ikeda, K.: Preparation of monolithic
materials from some fillers by the geopolymer technique, Proc. Int. Conf.
Pozzolan, Concrete and Geopolymer, Khon Kaen, 40-44, 2006.
・ IIkeda, K., Feng, D., Hirano, Y., Terai, T., Vallepu, R., Mikuni, A.: Preparation
of geopolymeric materials from red mud mixed with fly ash, Proc. Int. Workshop
on Geopolymers and Geopolymer Concrete, Perth, fGGC2005, 1-6,2005.
・ Ikeda, K., Matsui, H., Tashiro, C.: Calcium sulfoaluminate cements prepared
from waterworks slime, Ceramic Transactions, Honolulu, 40, 289-296, 1994.
・ Ikeda, K., Horiuchi, T., Shima, H.: Determination of temperature
dependence of oxygen deficiency in YBa2Cu3Ox by structure refinements based on
powder X-ray diffraction analysis, Proc. 4th Inter. Conf. Electronic Ceramics & Applications, Germany, 2, 1011-1014,
・ Ikeda, K., Matsui, H., Tashiro, H.: High performance novel cements
prepared from waterworks slime enriched in alumina, APCChE-CHEMECA 93, Official
・ Ikeda, K., Tashiro, C.: Novel porous materials prepared from mining
wastes, gypsum and lime by means of steam curing, Proc. Euro-Ceram U, 1991,
・ Ikera, K., Tashiro, C.: Preparation of novel porous materials from
fly ash, gypsum and portlandite by means of steam curing, Proc. 9th
Inter. Cong. Chem. Cement, New Delhi, 5, 596-601, 1992.
・ Tashiro, C., Suetsugu, K., Ikeda, K., Yamamoto, Y.: Electrical
resistivity of high alumina cement paste, Proc. 35th Inter. Colloq.
Refractories, Aachen, 161-163, 1992.
・ Ikeda, K., Tomisaka, T.: Physical properties of FGL, novel porous materials
prepared from fly ash, gypsum and lime with special reference to the thermal
conductivity, Fortschrittesberichete der DKG(FOB), Germany, 7, 84-91, 1992.
・ Ikeda, K.: Properties and possibilities of red mud cement prepared
from red mud, gypsum and portlandite without clinkering process, Proc. Inter.
Bauxite Tailings Workshop,
・ Ikeda, K., Tomisaka, T.: The thermal conductivity of steam cured new
porous materials prepared from fly ash, gypsum and portlandite, Proc. 2nd
・ Ikeda, K.: A new type of pozzolanic cement utilizing red mud and fly
ash, Proc. 8th Inter. Cong. Chem. Cement, Rio de Janeiro, 6,
389-394, 1986.
・ Ikeda, K.: Utilization of red mud as a new type of cement, Proc. 1st
BISCC, Beijin, 595-607, 1985.
・ Ikeda, K.: Cements along the join C4A3$-C2S, Proc.
7th Inter. Cong. Chem. Cement, Paris, 2, V・31-V・36, 1980.
学術論文 (Papers) 1992年以降 (Listed from 1992 only.)
・Mikuni, A. Komatsu, R., Ikeda, K.: Dissolustionn properties of some fly
ash fillers applying to geopolymeric materials in alkali solution: J. Mat.
Sci., 2006, in press.
・ Hirano, Y. Makida, K, Komatsu, R., Ikeda, K.: Dimensional change of self-leveling
materials based on aluminous cement-Portland cement-anhydrite system, Trans.
MRS-J, 325-328, 2006.
・Terai, T., Mikuni, A., Komatsu, R., Ikeda, K.: Synthesis of Cr(VI)-ettringite
in portlandite suspensions as a function of pH, J. Ceram. Soc., Japan,
114, 299-302, 2006.
・Vallepu, R., Nakamura, Y., Komatsu, R., Ikeda, I.: Preparation of forsterite by the
geopolymer technique--Gel compositions as a function of pH and crystalline
phases, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech., 35, 107-114, 2005.
・Vallepu, R., Mikuni, A., Komatsu, R., Ko Ikeda: Synthesis of liebenbergite
nano-crystallites from silicate precursor gels prepared by geopolymerization,
J. Mineral. Petrol. Sci., 100, 159-167, 2005.
・Mikuni, A., Wei, C., R. Komatsu, K. Ikeda: Thermal alteration of pyrophyllites
and elution properties of the calcined pyrophyllite in alkali solution,
J. Soc. Inorg. Mat., Japan, 12, 191-199, 2005.
・Mikuni, A., Wei, C., Komatsu, R., K. Ikeda: Thermal alteration of kaolins
and elution properties of calcined products in alkali solution: J. Soc.
Inorg. Mat., Japan, 12, 115-121, 2005.
・Feng, D., Mikuni, A., Hirano, Y., Komatsu, R., K. Ikeda: Preparation of
Geopolymeric Materials from fly ash filler by steam curing with special
reference to binder products, 113, 82-86, 2005.
・平野義信,蒔田浩司,小松隆一,池田 攻:アルミナセメント-ポルトランドセメント-無水セッコウ系セルフレベリング材の長さ変化,セメント・コンクリート論文,
58, 81-86, 2004.
・Ravikumar,R.V.S.S.N., Komatsu, R., Ikeda, K., Chandrasekhar, A. V., Ramamoorthy,
L.,Reddy, B. J., Reddy, Y. P., Rao, P. S.: Spectroscopic studies of copper-doped
ARbB4O7(A=Na, K) glasses, Physica B, 334, 298-402, 2003.
・Ravikumar,R.V.S.S.N., Komatsu, R., Ikeda, K., Chandrasekhar, A. V., Reddy, B. J., Reddy,Y. P., Rao, P. S..: EPR and optical studies on transition metal doped LiRbB4O7glasses, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 64, 261-264, 2003.
・Ravikumar,R.V.S.S.N., Komatsu, R., Ikeda, K., Chandrasekhar, A. V., Reddy, B. J., Reddy,Y. P., Rao, P. S. Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical absorptionspectra of Cr3+ ions in cadmium phosphate glass, Solid State Commun,126, 251-253, 2003.
・池田 攻,寺井 徹,太田幹夫,寺田隆彦
・小松隆一,泉原功司,池田 攻,朝倉悦郎
・小松隆一,安達謙祐,池田 攻
・木原卓哉,中邑義則,小松隆一,池田 攻
・小松隆一,池田 攻
K., Onikura, K., Nakamura, Y., Vedanand, S.: Optical spectra of Ni-bearing
silicate gels by the geopolymer technique, with special reference to the low
temperature formation of liebenbergite (Ni2SiO4), J. Am.
Ceram. Soc., 84, 1717-1720, 2001.
R.V.S.S.N., Reddy, Y. P., Ikeda, K., Reddy, B. J., Chandrasekhar, A. V.: Structural
and spectral studies of ZnKPO4・6H2O crystals, Cryst. Res.
Technol., 36, 1429-1433, 2001.
Y., Ikeda, K.: Isothermal phase relations in the Au-Sb-Te system at 350℃.
N. Jb. Mineral.Mh., 2001, 276-288, 2001.
K., Nakamura, Y.: Consolidation of quartz powder by the geopolymer technique,
Korean J. Ceram., 6, 120-123, 2000.
R., Watanabe, N., Komai, E., Kitakaze, A., Ikeda, K.: Growth and
characterization of silver thiogallete (AgGaS2) crystals by the
hydrothermal method, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 39, 5662-5664, 2000.
K., Vedanand, S.: Optical spectrum of synthetic tehophrastite, Ni(OH)2,
N. Jb. Mineral. Mh., 1999, 21-26, 1999.
K., Nakamura, Y., Masumoto, K., Shima, H.: Optical spectra of synthetic spinels
in the system MgAl2O4-MgCr2O4, J.
Am. Ceram. Soc., 80, 2672-2676, 1997.
・池田 攻,中邑義則,島 敞史: ポルトランド石の空気中加熱により生成する方解石,鉱物学雑誌,26, 129-134, 1997.
K.: Preparation of fly ash monoliths consolidated with a sodium silicate binder
at ambient temperature, Cem. Concr. Res., 27, 657-663.
K., Nakamura, Y., Shima, H.: Chemical compositions of the calcium monosulphate
hydrates formed by the hydration of aluminate hauyne, J. Ceram. Soc.
K., Nakamura, Y., Shima, H.: Synthesis of spinel type ferromagnetic
semiconductor, CdCr2Se4 and measurements of optical spectra, J. Ceram. Soc.
K., Kishimoto, K., Shima, S.: Structure refinement of calcium sulfoaluminate, C4A3$
with emphasis to oxygen deficiency, Cem. Concr. Res., 26, 743-748, 1996.
H., Ikeda, K., Saruhan, B., Rager, H.: Electron paramagnetic resonance and
optical absorption studies on Cr-doped mullite precursors, J. Euro.
K., Physical properties of heat insulators prepared from blast furnace slag
mixed with hemihydrate and portlandite, J. Ceram. Soc.
C, Ikeda, K., Inoue, Y.: Evaluation of pozzolanic activity by the electric
resistance measurement method, Cem. Concr. Res., 24, 1133-1139, 1994.
・Schneider,H., Schmucker, M., Ikeda, K., Kaysser, W. A.: Optically translucent
mullite ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76, 2912-2914, 1993.
・Ikeda, K.., Schneider, H., Akasaka, M., Rager, H., Crystal-field spectroscopic
study of Cr-doped mullite, Am. Mineral, 77, 251-257, 1992.
特許 (Patents) 下記URL参照 (See URL indicated below)